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GAMES OF CHANCE: Taiwanese spend an average of NT$6,770 on lottery purchases each year, the operator said, with sales from 2007 to 2016 hitting NT$1.18 trillionBy Wu Chia-jung and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writerWhen it comes to lottery games, which horoscope or zodiac signs have the best luck?According to a study by Taiwan Lottery Co, more than 20 percent of those who were big prize winners of its scratchcard lottery were born in the Year of the Pig, while another 20 percent were born under the zodiac sign of Leo.By blood type, more than 40 percent of the big winners were type B, the study said.Taiwan Lottery sold a total of NT$1.18 trillion (US$37.7 million) in lottery tickets from 2007 to the end of last year, company data showed.That translates into people, on average, spending NT$6,770 on lottery purchases each year, the company said.During this period, 4,352 people won cash prizes worth more than NT$5 million each, for a total of NT$601 billion, it said, adding that 317 individuals won jackpot prizes of more than NT$100 million each.As for which signs have a better chance of winning at scratch-and-win cards, people born in the Year of the Pig topped the list, followed by those born either in the Year of the Dog, Rabbit or Monkey, placing second at 13.6 percent.As for their astrological counterparts, Leo was No. 1, followed by Sagittarius (16 percent) and Scorpio (12 percent), the company said.Winners of scratchcard lotteries worth more than NT$100 million were born either in the Year of the Monkey, Horse or Sheep, while their counterparts in the Western horoscope were Capricorns, Leos and Libras, the company said.For the Super Lotto, the Monkey sign had the highest percentage of luck at 11.7 percent, followed by the Rabbit and the Dog in second.For their astrological counterparts, Taurus led the list at 11.4 percent, while Sagittarius and Virgo tied for second, and Libra came in third.For the Big Lotto, the winners were mostly those born in the Year of the Horse, followed by the Dragon and the Monkey.Libra was the foremost winning astrological sign in this category, with Leo and Capricorn coming in second and third respectively.In terms of geographical area, 55 individuals winning the NT$100 million lottery lived in New Taipei City; Taipei was second with 44.Kaohsiung placed third with 41, while Taichung and Taoyuan came in fourth and fifth with 39 and 28 respectively, company data showed.As for the best place to buy lottery tickets, the Nian Nian You Yu stand in Kaohsiung’s Fongshan District (鳳山) and the A Lian 168 Lottery Stand in Taichung’s West District (西區) have yielded the highest number of winners.Both stands had each sold six lottery tickets that won the jackpot, the company said.As for the biggest prize amount, the Jin Chien Gui Lottery Stand in Taichung’s Wufong District (霧峰) sold the ticket that won the nation’s biggest-ever jackpot prize of NT$3 billion.The Fei Lai Lottery Stand in Taipei’s Shilin District (士林) came in second, having sold a lottery ticket that won a NT$2.8 billion jackpot on Sept 24, 2015, the company said.Third is the Pao De Lottery Stand in Taichung’s Dali District (大里), which sold two winning lottery tickets — one for NT$1.5 billion on March 10, 2014, and another for NT$8 million in July 9, 2015.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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